Eliminate Fees With Cash Discount

Eliminate Fees With Cash Discount
It's no secret that inflation has had a negative impact on all of us. It's basic economics. The cost of goods has increased and business profits have declined. Whatever your profit margin was a couple of years ago has gone down. Down as your cost has increased. We want to show you how we can instantly start recouping some of those profits immediately. A bill was passed called the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act, opening up a way to offset up to 100% of those processing fees you're paying to accept your customers money, inflation included. The more inflation increases store prices, the more fees you pay. Every month, businesses are throwing away profits in the form of percentages, transaction fees, batch fees, and a laundry list of monthly fees, such as statement fees, PCI fees and more, just to accept credit cards. And don't forget those annual fees too. Across America, businesses are taking advantage of the law. But many small business owners don't even know about this option. Here's how. Have you ever been to a gas station where they offer a cash price and credit price per gallon? That's the best example of the business utilizing this law.
We as consumers are getting a discount if we pay by with cash. And if we choose to use our card, we don't get the cash discounted price. In essence, the gas stations are offsetting their processing fees by doing this. It's called the Cash Discount program. And right now more than ever, businesses everywhere are taking advantage of the same law and implementing the cash discount program in order to eliminate their fees too. It's so simple. There are no annual fees, no PCI fees, no junk fees, percentages, or even transaction fees. You simply pay one monthly fee and that's it. If you process less than $5,000, you only pay $25. If you process between five and $10,000, you only pay $50 a month. And if you process any amount over $10,000 a month, then you only pay a flat $100. That's it. You can literally process 50,000, $100,000 or more. And the highest monthly fee we charge is only $100.
There are no contracts, no purchases are required, and no gimmicks. Just one flat monthly fee for the life of your business.
We are so confident you'll never switch merchant service providers again that we are going to give you a free credit card terminal and we will never require you to sign any long term contracts. Join the
movement to recoup lost profits starting today by saying goodbye to your credit card fees forever.
To begin your credit card processing application, please click here.