E-Commerce Payments


How COVID-19 triggered the digital and e-commerce turning point | UNCTAD

Tired of overpaying on credit card processing fees every time one of your customers book or buy on your website? We have the solution for you. Apply to become a merchant service customer and we will get you from paying as high as 4% to 2.2% + .20 each time a credit card is used on your website for payment.

Top 5 Benefits of Our Payment Gateways

  • Payment API

    Give your customers a quick, easy, and secure payment experience. Payment Gateways connect your application to the credit card networks and streamline your transaction processing.

    You receive a custom payment API and access to a sandbox account to start testing your integration with our service.

  • Shopping Cart Plugins

    Plug & Play with most commercially available shopping cart applications. Simply follow your shopping cart solution's payment set-up steps and start authorizing credit cards in minutes.

  • Secure Vault

    Create customer profiles that allow for secure storage of credit card data for convenient reuse.

  • Card Updater

    Avoid payment interruptions from replaced or expired credit cards. Our innovative technology automatically updates card on file information, keeping customer card data current.

  • Virtual Terminal

    Transform your computer, tablet, or mobile device into a virtual terminal! Securely accept online payments, send custom email invoices, and set-up recurring payments—all at no additional cost.

To begin your credit card processing application, please click here or talk to a payment consultant (complimentary) below.


Contact Us!

8950 SW 74 CT,
SUITE 2201
MIAMI, FL 33156

OFFICE: +1 (305) 307-8530 • TOLL-FREE: 1-833-SECPAY1